Congratulations on Selling Your Home: Navigating the Post-Sale Journey

As you await the completion date after successfully selling your home, you’re stepping into a new chapter of your life. While selling a home can be exhilarating, it also prompts questions about what comes next. Whether downsizing, relocating, or seeking a fresh start, the post-sale period is pivotal, requiring thoughtful consideration and planning.

Step 1: Declutter Your House (But Keep What’s Important)

De-cluttering before a move is essential for a smooth transition and a fresh start. Sort belongings into categories: keep, donate, or discard. Consider each item’s value and relevance, keeping only what’s essential or sentimental. Organise a sale or donate items to streamline the process and potentially earn extra cash. Utilise storage solutions for efficient packing and labelling. Remember to consult the fixtures and fittings form to avoid removing items promised to the buyer.

Step 2: Create an Essentials Box

Prepare an essentials box for moving day containing items needed for the first night in your new home. Include toiletries, clothing, medications, important documents, kitchen supplies, snacks, electronics, bedding, and cleaning supplies. Label the box clearly and keep it accessible in your vehicle for easy access.

Step 3: Talk to a Removals Company

Consider hiring a removals company to handle packing and moving your belongings. Professional movers can alleviate stress and ensure a seamless transition to your new home. They provide insurance for added peace of mind and manage logistics efficiently.

Step 4: Make Arrangements for Kids and Pets

Minimise stress for children and pets on moving day by preparing them in advance. Explain the moving process to children and maintain routines to provide stability. Arrange childcare away from the chaos and pack a moving day bag for them. For pets, update microchip details and consider leaving them with a friend or pet sitter during the move. Pack essentials for pets and introduce them gradually to the new environment.

Step 5: Deep Clean

After moving out, deep clean the home for the new occupants. Ensure a smooth transition by leaving the property clean and clutter-free. This gesture is appreciated by the new owners and provides peace of mind for you.

Step 6: Leave Behind a House Guide

Create a guide for the new homeowners detailing essential information about the house. Include instructions for operating appliances, waste collection days, and other helpful tips. This thoughtful gesture assists the new owners in settling into their new home smoothly.

Step 7: Change Locks at the New House

Prioritise security by changing the locks at your new home before moving in. This precaution ensures control over access to the property and enhances security. Choose locks that meet your needs and upgrade to advanced security features if desired.

Step 8: Enjoy Your New Space

Finally, embrace the excitement of settling into your new home. Take the time to savour the moment and make the space your own. The journey continues with new opportunities and experiences in your brand-new home.


The completion of the home sale marks the beginning of a new chapter. By focusing on essential post-sale tasks like de-cluttering, packing, and securing your new home, you set the stage for a smooth transition and a successful start. Embrace the journey ahead with optimism and anticipation, knowing that you’re well-prepared for the adventures that await in your new space. Cheers to new beginnings and the fulfilment of your home-ownership journey.

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